I spend time to try to get to know you
As life passing by I show you my heart
I couldn't be more true

I spend trust despite of everything that i've lost
I put my trust in you isn't it obvious
That I do love you

If holding hands is too descret
Let's make out in the middle of the street
If this flowery just ain't enough for you
Help me God, tell me what to do
Couldn't be more true
Isn't it obvious that I love you
Isn't it obvious that I need you
Isn't it obvious that I love you
Isn't it obvious now

patrik, du är bättre än allt jag ens vågade drömma om.


följ de lätta anvisningarna så går detta på ett kick:

Tell me your name, beautiful:
om du inte vill bli glömd

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vad var det du egentligen ville nu då?

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